New Treatments




Dear [Patient First Name],

We are honored that you have chosen us as your health care provider. Our goal has always been to help patients lead healthy, pain-free lives while offering personalized treatment plans to both relieve pain and address the underlying condition or injury causing it. By staying current on cutting-edge care options, we can continue to provide high quality, comprehensive and individualized care paths.

We’re writing to let you know about an exciting new health service we now provide, called ALPHA2ACTIVETM! It is the latest in biologic research aimed at helping to alleviate painful inflammation and slow the progression of degrading joints, especially knees. ALPHA2ACTIVE harnesses the power of your own blood to fight back against pesky proteins that are known to damage cartilage, typically causing inflammation and pain.

That’s right! ALPHA2ACTIVE uses your own blood to concentrate a molecule produced from your liver, Alpha-2-Macroglobulin (A2M). A2M is a large molecule with two-Venus fly trap-like openings that bait and trap these known pain proteins to eliminate from our bodies. Unfortunately, A2M is so big in size it can’t always get into the joint space in large enough quantities to do its work. That’s where ALPHA2ACTIVE really shines! It concentrates the A2M from your blood in high enough quantities in just one visit.

It all starts with a consultation. During this visit, we can perform a FREE F.A.C.T.TM screening. This brief test determines if FAC (Fibronectin-Aggrecan Complex) is present in your joint space and wreaking havoc. The results come in about a week and are a cornerstone of the evaluation process in creating your personalized wellness plan. (All visits to our clinic are covered by your insurance and are still subject to your co-payment and deductible.)

These are just a few of the ways we maintain at the forefront of uncompromised excellence in pain management. So, let us continue to work together, as partners, in optimizing your health. Connect for a consultation and FREE F.A.C. Test by calling 281-351-3830 or chat with us online by visiting





Dr. Raka Gohel

Pain Specialists of Houston



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